GSK Norway employs approximately 70 people from different backgrounds, and our office is at Lysaker. We work with everything from medical projects to market access, marketing, sales and various support functions - all to provide Norwegian patients and society with needed new medicines and vaccines.
Research and innovation
Innovation is fundamental to us. It helps improve people's health and creates true value. We reinvest a significant proportion of our profits in new research.
We are convinced that collaborations lead to great innovations. We collaborate with healthcare, academia, patient organisations, governments, NGOs and other stakeholders through joint projects, training and by sharing our knowledge. GSK Norway is a part of Oslo Cancer Cluster (OCC), an oncology research and industry cluster dedicated to improving the lives of cancer patients by accelerating the development of new cancer diagnostics and treatment. Under the OCC umbrella, we are a part of CONNECT - a public-private partnership driving the implementation of precision cancer medicine.
Sustainability and global health
We use our scientific expertise, our partnerships and our global reach to improve health globally. We contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030 with various concrete actions. Through our global partnership with Save the Children, we have helped more than three million children.
We have set ambitious, industry leading environmental targets and created solutions that contribute to reducing carbon emissions, plastic consumption and water impact. GSK Norway has been in the forefront of educating stakeholders about the differences in carbon footprint between inhalers with or without greenhouse gases, used in the treatment of asthma and COPD. Also, GSK globally is a part of a coalition – together with among others the Norwegian government – to support high-quality emissions reductions from tropical and subtropical forest countries, enabling efforts to reduce and end deforestation (the LEAF cooperation).
Satisfied and motivated employees are the key to success. We do everything we can to make working at GSK a rewarding experience. We offer an equal and flexible workplace with a culture of care and integrity, where everyone can develop, feel good and thrive regardless of background.
In addition to a wide range of benefits, all employees have an extra day off, a so-called “Be You Day”, which each employee can spend as they wish, to bring joy and energy. Our Partnership for Prevention programme gives employees' families or near ones access to free preventive health care.
To find out how you can become part of GSK, search for jobs in Norway.
Contact details
GlaxoSmithKline AS
Drammensveien 288
NO-0283 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 70 20 00
Email: no.firmapost@gsk.com
Organisation number: NO 930 606 308
GlaxoSmithKline AS
Postboks 180 Vinderen
NO-0319 Oslo
If you want to report a potential side effect on any of our medicines or vaccines, you can contact us as follows:
Online: Norwegian Medicines Agency (Norwegian language)
Online: Patient safety reporting form (Preferred method of contact)
Telephone number: +4722702000
Line Storesund Rondan
Head of Government Affairs and Communication
Tel: +47 908 50 492
You can find global press releases on our global page.
As a pharmaceutical company we cannot give medical advice to patients or dependents. Please contact your GP or local pharmacy.
Healthcare professionals in Norway can obtain information about products and related therapy areas by visiting GSKPro.
For medical questions about our medicines and vaccines, healthcare professionals can contact our medical information where specialists answer questions in Scandinavian and English.
Tel: +47 22 70 20 00 (9 am to 3 pm)
Email: Nordic.medinfo@gsk.com (for HCPs only)
If you are healthcare personnel and require a scientific discussion with our medical/scientific advisers, please call us. We have advisors for respiratory, vaccines, HIV, and oncology.
You can also get answers to questions about vaccines and vaccinations by contacting the National Institute of Public Health or by checking in the NIPH Vaccination Book (Vaksinasjonsboka).
Healthcare professionals and patient groups
The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), of which the Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Norway (LMI) is a member, has been at the forefront of announcing all financial transfers to healthcare professionals since 2015.
From the beginning, GSK has had full transparency about all payments, and we are pleased that LMI and the Norwegian Medical Association have now agreed on this as standard in Norway from 1 June 2020.
Patient advocacy groups represent an important partner for GSK. Our goal is to help patients - then we must understand what it is like to live with a disease and what needs the patients have. GSK Norway follows at all times current internal GSK guidelines and ethical rules from the trade association (LMI) for support and collaboration with patient organisations.
Transparency provides the basis for good cooperation. Therefore, every year we publish an overview of the PAGs that GSK has collaborated with. The independence of PAGs is important to us, and we therefore encourage the organisations to have more partners.
See overview of patient advocacy group support in 2023 (PDF-217KB)
See patient advocacy disclosure 2020-2022 (PDF-116KB)
Norway Transparency Act 2022
The Transparency Act was passed by Parliament and took effect on July 1st, 2022. The purpose of the law is to promote decent working conditions and basic human rights in addition to ensuring society's access to documents and matters dealt with by the general public.