GSK mother and baby homes information service

We have established an enhanced information service for former residents of mother and baby homes in Ireland regarding trials that took place between 1934 and 1973 in response to the issues raised following the publication of the Commission of Investigation’s report.

Listen for full details of how to access the information service and trial summary documents

We have simplified our information request service and published trial summary documents for nine separate trials - vaccine trials A to G, as they are referred to in the Commission’s report, as well as two infant milk formula trials.

We have done this to better support those seeking further information and transparency in relation to the trials.

The summary documents include information on nine separate trials - vaccine trials A to G, as they are referred to in the Commission’s report, and two infant milk formula trials.

The documentation has been collated from our archives as well as other published sources to evaluate, as far as possible, the history of the vaccine or milk products after their trials were conducted by researchers in mother and baby homes.

View and download the trial summary documents

Each summary outlines the following information:

  • What the trial was for – for example if it was trialling a treatment for infectious diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus or measles;
  • What date the trial took place;
  • The location where it took place;
  • The number of participants in the trial;
  • The name of those organising the trial;
  • The ingredients in the vaccine;
  • The dosage;
  • How the vaccine was administered;
  • Any side effects observed in the trial and side effects observed in later trials;
  • The follow up process with trial participants after vaccination and any other comments;
  • Further commercialisation and/or licensing of the product.


Niamh Mullen, Head of Communications and Government Affairs, GSK Ireland

Tel: 087-351-6294

Breda Brown, Communications Director Unique Media

Tel: 087-248-7120

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