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06 February 2013 2012 Fourth Quarter
Simon Dingemans, CFO, and Sir Andrew Witty, CEO, discuss our fourth quarter results 2012.
Q4 2012 Highlights
- Core EPS of 112.7p and returns of £6.3bn to shareholders
- 2012 dividend of 74p (+6%)
- Group sales -1%; flat excluding disposals of OTC brands
- Successful R&D delivery: six new drugs filed since start of 2012
Q4 2012 Downloads
- Q4 2012 results announcement (PDF - 286.3KB)
- Q4 2012 results analyst presentation colour (PDF - 408.1KB)
- Q4 2012 analyst presentation bandw (PDF - 351.1KB)
- Q4 2012 analyst presentation transcript (PDF - 68.1KB)
- Q4 2012 actual growth schedules (PDF - 35.3KB)
- Q4 2012 US dollar translation (PDF - 31.8KB)
- Download all