In Austria, we work with a team of more than 100 employees to make a wide range of prescription medicines and vaccines available to as many people as possible.
As one of the leading vaccine companies in Austria and worldwide, we protect people from a variety of diseases with our broad portfolio of paediatric and adult vaccines. Our current focus areas are prevention of meningococcal diseases and protection against shingles and RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus). (More information on https://www.meningokokken-erkrankung.at/, https://www.guertelrose-info.at/ and https://rsv-schutz.at/).
In the Specialty division we focus on severe respiratory diseases, nasal polyps, 2 rare diseases and Covid-19.
We focus our innovative transformational oncology therapies and medicines on maximising the survival chances of people with cancer. Our current focus areas are ovarian cancer, endometrial carcinoma and myelofibrosis.
With our broad and innovative HIV portfolio, we are committed to making progress in the treatment of people living with HIV or at risk of HIV infection. Our current focus is on 2DRs (2-drug regimens) and long-acting injectable treatment for HIV.
Note: For medical advice, please consult your doctor.
You can find out more about our company, our pharmaceutical products and vaccines on our global website.
Find out how you can become part of our company.Contact details
GlaxoSmithKline Pharma GmbH
Wienerbergstraße 7, 5. Stock
1100 Wien
Tel: +43 1 970 75-0
Fax: +43 1 970 75-170
Email: at.info@gsk.com
Company register: FN 115955y, Handelsgericht Wien
UID: ATU 14215008
Online: Patient safety reporting form (Preferred method of contact)
Telephone number: +431970750
Mag. Barbara Masser-Mayerl
Corporate Communications Lead
Tel: + 43 664 8270120
Email: at.info@gsk.com
You can find our current press releases here in our pressroom. Due to the prohibition of advertising for prescription drugs (AMG), we cannot publish any information or press releases about our products here. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact us.
As a healthcare company, we regularly work with medical professionals. Transparency and integrity are paramount in all our interactions.
GSKPro, our portal for healthcare professionals, provides important information about our products, access to videos and webcasts, and access to educational events and other GSK services.
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), a member of Transparency International Austria, already took a number of transparency initiatives many years ago that go beyond the usual industry standards. Following the introduction of the first online register of clinical trial results by GSK in 2004 and the publication of payments to patient groups since 2006, all monetary benefits paid to healthcare professionals' relatives and institutions have been disclosed annually since 2016 - in accordance with the EFPIA Disclosure Code.
Disclosure of payments to healthcare professionals in Austria
Disclosure of patient group support: View the amount and purpose of all GSK support for patient groups over the last 3 years (PDF - 130KB)
Transparency in clinical research
Memberships and partnerships
We are a member of Pharmig (Association of Pharmaceutical Industry in Austria), FOPI (Forum of the researching pharmaceutical industry in Austria), ÖVIH (Austrian Association of Vaccine Manufacturers), WKÖ (Chamber of Commerce), IV (The Federation of Austrian Industries), Transparency International Austrian Chapter, and respACT (Austrian Business Council for Sustainable Development).
Our activities in the area of lobbying and representation of interests are based on the code of conduct of the Austrian Public Affairs Association (ÖPAV).
NP-AT-NA-WCNT-230002; 01/2024