We have been operating in Switzerland since 2001 and employ around 120 people at our head office in Münchenbuchsee, Canton Bern. At or our branch office in Baar, Canton Zug some 90 employees are involved in various global positions within GSK in the therapeutic area of oncology.
We are committed to helping to save one million children's lives through our global charitable partnership with Save the Children. Learn more about our partnership.
To help us keep our promises, we need talented and motivated employees who take responsibility and are committed to patients.
We offer a wide variety of interesting roles where you can use your talents profitably. We provide our employees with opportunities to take part in professional and personal development programmes.
Are you interested in working for our company? Visit our global job portal to browse current vacancies at our Münchenbuchsee (Canton Bern) head office.
Contact details
GlaxoSmithKline AG
Talstrasse 3
CH-3053 Münchenbuchsee
Tel: +41 (0)31 862 21 11
Email: swiss.info@gsk.com
GlaxoSmithKline AG
Neuhofstrasse 4
CH-6340 Baar
Tel: +41 (0)41 588 08 55
Email: zug.reception@gsk.com
Online: Patient safety reporting form (Preferred method of contact)
Telephone number: +41318622111
Email address: pv.swiss@gsk.com
If you experience an adverse drug reaction after taking one of our medicinal products, you can report this to your attending doctor or to Swissmedic, the Swiss authority responsible for the authorisation and supervision of therapeutic products.
Healthcare professionals
If doctors observe an adverse drug reaction in their patients after taking one of our medicinal products, they can report this to Swissmedic.
Doctors can also inform us directly on pv.swiss@gsk.com. We will pass on your notification immediately and in accordance with legal requirements.
Our Privacy Notice describes how GSK uses personal data when processing your enquiry, complaint or report of adverse events.
In this area you will find our contact partners for press enquiries.
Do you need a statement, background material or images? We look forward to hearing from you.
Urs Kientsch
GlaxoSmithKline AG
Talstrasse 3
3053 Münchenbuchsee
Tel (mobile): +41 (0) 79 292 56 91
Email: swiss.info@gsk.com
Manuel Mosimann
GlaxoSmithKline AG
Talstrasse 3
3053 Münchenbuchsee
Tel (mobile): +41 (0) 79 948 43 51
Email: swiss.info@gsk.com
GSK markets a wide range of vaccines and prescription medicinal products. Discover which products are currently available in Switzerland or which are currently out of stock.
In accordance with our goal of being one of the world’s most innovative, best performing and most trusted healthcare companies, we seek to meet society’s evolving expectations, bring greater transparency to an already well-regulated sector, and strengthen our relationships with healthcare professionals, healthcare organisations and patient organisations for future cooperation. The links will take you to our disclosure reports for Switzerland in line with the Pharma Cooperation Code.
Transfers of value to healthcare professionals and healthcare organisation
Transfers of value to patient organisations (PDF - 43KB)
Health professionals in Switzerland can obtain information about products and areas of therapy related to GSK by visiting GSKPro.
Details of our prescription medicinal products and vaccines may be found in the Drug Compendium.
Direct customers can also order vaccines online from www.gskvaccinesdirect.ch.